Did you know we screen for sleep apnea at your dental checkups? Problems associated with sleep apnea can actually manifest in the mouth. That’s because people who have sleep apnea often grind and clench their teeth (bruxism). This unconscious, harmful habit ultimately leads to wear and enamel degradation.
Another sign of sleep apnea is a scalloped tongue. When the teeth and tongue are in the incorrect position due to an obstructed airway, the tongue will push up against the sides of the teeth and appear to have indentations on the sides instead of having a uniform border.
When our team examines the mouth, we also check where the tongue sits and the size of the airway. If it is positioned too far back, it can obstruct your throat. Other signs of sleep apnea that can manifest are snoring and feeling chronically tired despite a full night’s rest.
If sleep apnea is suspected, we will recommend that you talk to your primary care physician or go to a sleep study center for an evaluation. If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea the doctor may recommend a CPAP device or sometimes even a lab-fabricated dental appliance (which we can have made for you). If you suspect you have apnea, please let us know at your next visit!
At Leesburg Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Kime Whitman and our team are committed to improving your sleep and overall health through effective sleep apnea treatment in Leesburg, Virginia. If you want to learn more or schedule a visit, please call 703-831-3952 today.